Thursday, October 9, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Boo Berry Cereal Reviewed

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time (I'm talking to about 12 people right now), you know the Full Court Press ranges in a variety of topics.  If you've been reading the blog's recent weekly feature of Tuesday Morning QB (now I'm talking to like 5 people), you know I promised in the inaugural post that I would still blog on other things from time to time.  Believe it or not, finding the time to write a blog when it's not your paid job can be very challenging, thus my last four posts have been all football.  To make up for that - and I'm cheating a little here - I thought I'd dig into my archives and share one of my masterpieces from my college years.

Before I started the whole Tuesday Morning QB thing, I blogged on the awesomeness of the pumpkin. Pumpkins are just one of many reasons I love fall.  Every October, General Mills re-releases it's "spooky" cereals: Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry.  My personal favorite has always been Boo Berry. A buddy of mine in college had his own website (back when having .com after your name was a quasi-impressive accomplishment), and one of the sections was cereal reviews.  As I ranted to him about Boo Berry one day, he asked me to do a guest review for his website, and that review can be read in it's original, unedited version below.  Since the website is no longer running, I do not have a post date, but we can safely assume sometime between fall 2004 and spring 2005.

Today, very few people can identify Boo Berry Cereal.  However, a true child of the 80’s can easily tell you he was one of Count Chocula’s “spooky” friends.  Although not marketed as much today as everyone’s favorite chocolate vampire, Boo Berry is still being produced along with his buddy Franken Berry.  I last remember seeing them both about ten years ago. Thinking they were out of circulation, I was shocked when my roommate, returning from a trip to his hometown of Honey Brook, PA, walked in a few weeks ago with a box of Boo Berry.  Apparently they can still be found in remote, back-woods hick general stores.

Looking at the box brought me back down memory lane.  I was an avid consumer of all of the General Mills monster cereals in the late 80’s.  I always felt Boo Berry was sort of the “forgotten” cereal.  Think about it: Count Chocula was always in the spotlight, Franken Berry demanded attention due to his not-so-ambiguous diva qualities, and Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy (which was the same cereal) lived off the hype of being out for a limited-time only.  Meanwhile, nobody was paying attention to the droopy blue ghost offering a delicious alternative to chocolate and strawberry.  For this reason, I automatically had an affinity for Boo Berry, the Rudy of cereals.

Now that you’re all up to date about the back story of General Mills’ first family of spooky cereals, let’s take a look at the actual cereal.  The texture is very unique.  Many times, cereal pieces such as Fruit Loops and Cocoa Puffs are delicious, but I can’t help but wonder if they would be better with marshmallows.  Then there are cereals with good marshmallow pieces, but the cereal pieces suck (e.g. Lucky Charms).  Boo Berry is one of those unique cereals with a blend of delicious cereal and marshmallows.  And it’s blueberry flavored, who doesn’t like blueberry?  There’s blueberry muffins, pancakes, and pie… it’s only natural to put it in cereal form!

My recent consumption of Boo Berry cereal was a great nostalgic experience.  Next on the list: Urkel-O’s and Flutie Flakes! A-

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